What is Artificial Insemination? (IUI)

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a common infertility treatment procedure and may be an option for couples experiencing unexplained fertility, ovulation disorders, same sex couples and mild-to-moderate male factor infertility.

It is used as a first-line infertility treatment and is easily performed in a medical office. It can be used in combination with Clomiphene, Letrozole, or a combination of Letrozole, Clomid with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH).

Intrauterine insemination is performed about 24 to 36 hours post human chorionic gonadotropins trigger (HCG) Intrauterine insemination will usually increase the chance of conception when combined with ovulation induction

Why Choose Artificial Insemination?

Patients may choose an IUI for a number of reasons, including:
For those wishing to improve their chances of pregnancy, an IUI can be a beneficial option to help create a successful conception.

What Are Artificial Insemination
Success Rates?

The chance of pregnancy with IUI is about 5% higher than with other medications used alone in that cycle. Patients planning to have an IUI often undergo ovulation induction with oral medications or a simultaneous combination of oral medications and gonadotropins injections to increase their chances of conception. Ovulation induction, also referred to as controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH), increases the chances of pregnancy by allowing multiple eggs to develop during a patient’s menstrual cycle. This increases the chance of pregnancy by releasing more eggs that the sperm can fertilize.

Donor sperm

Intrauterine insemination is also used for LGBT couples or patients with severe male factor infertility. We have over twenty years of experience in working with several national donor banks and we can assist you with the selection of the donor and storage of donor sperm samples for future conceptions.

How Does Artificial Insemination Work?

Ovulation induction can be achieved by taking oral medications such as Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) or Letrozole, or by using injectable medications containing FSH or LH (e.g., Gonal-F, Follistim, Menopur). Once the eggs are determined to be mature by an ultrasound or laboratory tests, an injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is usually given. The hCG injection causes the eggs to be released into the fallopian tubes, where they can be fertilized.

The IUI procedure is usually scheduled 24-36 hours after the hCG injection. Two hours prior to the IUI, the male’s sperm is obtained, washed, and concentrated. When the sperm sample is ready, a very small catheter is passed through the cervix and the sperm is introduced into uterus with minimal discomfort and no sedation.

Dr. Michael Allon

Dr. Dmitri Dozortsev

Don’t Lose Hope, Take the Next Step


Scientific Research

Luteinizing hormone–independent rise of progesterone as the physiological trigger of the ovulatory gonadotropins surge in the human

Fertility and Sterility
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Recipient outcomes in an oocyte donation programme: should very young donors be excluded?

RBMO Oocyte Donation Programme
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