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Oriadetu Family

"You Put My Mind At Ease."

Good evening Dr. Tralik, Dr.Allon and team of advance fertility,

Words can’t describe how grateful I am of you guys. God’s angels in person. Dr.Tralik you put my mind at ease every step of the way and you explained everything clearly. IVF is not an easy journey and it’s not for the faint of heart. You made my journey to motherhood smooth. Dr.Allon keep doing what you do and please don’t stop. To the nurses, receptionist, lab technicians, coach, acupuncturist, wellness sales rep, cleaner you guys rock. God bless each and every one of you.

When I look at my daughter Sophia and smiled I know the journey was worth it.


I would like to be an advocate for IVF and also for Dr.Allon I want other women to know of my experience and help then ease their worries and stress. Anytime you need me am at your service.

May God bless you all. May his face shine upon you and your family from this day and forever.

Don’t Lose Hope, Take the Next Step



We can offer you a Fertility
Second Opinion* regarding your
treatment, no matter how complex
your case may be.


Facing infertility and undergoing treatments to start your family is stressful enough without feeling confused throughout the
whole process.


Call Advanced Fertility Center of Texas at 713-467-4488 Ext. 1 to schedule your appointment with one of the leading fertility specialists in Texas.

Advanced Fertility Center of Texas – Infertility Answers - Dr. Michael Allon

Scientific Research

Luteinizing hormone–independent rise of progesterone as the physiological trigger of the ovulatory gonadotropins surge in the human

Fertility and Sterility
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Recipient outcomes in an oocyte donation programme: should very young donors be excluded?

RBMO Oocyte Donation Programme
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