Term IVF™

Term Stim

What is Term IVF™?

Pregnant Woman

You probably know that it is important for a child to be born after 37 weeks of pregnancy. Such birth is called – term delivery. A child  born before term (prematurely), may have difficult time to catch up. It was recently discovered that for an egg, it is also important to remain in the follicle for about 16 days during the stimulation to be “born” in the best possible shape to become a child once fertilized. Such egg was called – term egg and IVF protocol that enables to harvest such egg – Term IVF™.

Why Term Stim™?

A “stim” is short for “self-stimulation,” and is defined as repetitive motor movements, People with autism might rock for a few reasons, including overstimulation, under-stimulation, pain reduction, management of emotions, and self-soothing. 

Measuring Women's Belly

Term Stim™ difference

Comparison Term Stim Table

Who may benefit from Term Stim™

All patients may benefit from Term Stim™, particularly those younger than 30 and older than 35 years of age and patients diagnosed with PCOS. It may also be recommended to patients who previously failed IVF due to poor egg or embryo quality. 

Term Stim™

Term Stimulation (Term Stim™) is a patent-pending technology that extends the follicular phase during IVF to the duration seen in the most fertile group of females – about 17 days. This is achieved by maintaining the level of FSH in blood within the narrow band optimized for the specific patient.  We were able to demonstrate that it improves egg quality in younger as well as in patients of advanced reproductive age.  

Egg quality in IVF is the single most important variable predicting the success of the treatment.

Just like a pregnancy has to be – term to deliver a competent newborn, a term ovarian stimulation is intended to deliver competent egg. 

Term Stim™ (a short for Term Stimulation) came to existence as a derivative of a see changes in reproductive physiology pioneered by Dr. Dmitri Dozortsev, Dr. Michael P. Diamond and Dr. Antonio Pellicer

Term Stim™ is not a mere extension of the duration of stimulation, but is based on a complex algorithm that maintains the level of FSH within a narrow band. 

Term Stim helps those women who previously failed IVF multiple times due to poor egg quality, including those who are older. Term Stim™ requires more attention to detail and is more time-consuming than conventional ovarian stimulation. Therefore, at this time it has largely been used for patients who had two prior cycles of IVF with poor embryo quality, attributed to poor egg quality. 


Convention stimulation relies on the level of E2 and follicle size to determine whether the response is adequate. Term Stim monitors the level of FSH to ensure that it remains within the safe range to achieve the desirable duration of artificial follicular phase (time).  


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Scientific Research

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