When to Seek an Infertility Specialist in Houston, Texas

Couples without fertility issues usually will conceive after four months of unprotected intercourse. Couples that have not achieved conception after unprotected intercourse for six months should seek a physician. Women over the age of 40 years should seek help immediately.
You're not Alone
One out of every six couples in the United States now experience infertility. Addressing your concerns as soon as possible will dramatically increase your chances of conception.
You're not Alone

When Women Should Seek a Specialist

Women should seek a specialist for the following reasons:

When Men Should Seek a Specialist


Primary Symptoms of Infertility

Infertility effects one out of six couples.

Infertility effects one out of six couples. You don’t have to feel alone, frustrated and try months of using the ovulation predictor kit without success. The earlier you seek an fertility specialist, the faster we can find and resolve the etiology of infertility and the greater your chances to conceive.

At your first visit, we will review you medical, surgical and family history and other pertinent gynecological history. We will also review your husband’s medical and surgical history. Once we obtain all the pertinent information we may ask you to undergo the following tests to determine the underlying etiology of infertility.

Problems With Menstrual Cycle

· Is your menstrual cycle regular or do you have spotting or bleeding between your regular menses?
· Do you ever have months without menses?
· Do you have cycles that are more than 35 days apart or last more than 5 days?
· Is your cycle on time or you can have more than 5 days variation in that time?
· Is your cycle very painful?

Your Age

If you are over the age of 35, you may have an increased risk of infertility and increased risk of miscarriages. Irregular hormone levels and PCOS often hinder ovulation.

Am I not conceiving because of stress?

Stress can contribute about 30% to infertility but most often it is associated with other factors.

Menstural Cycle and Ovulation

> You may have a normal menstrual cycle and lack ovulation.
> If you are using an ovulation kit but it does not turn positive.
> If you are measuring your basal body temperature and there is no change.

Did you experience more than one miscarriage?

Miscarriages can have different etiologies like, genetic, uterine abnormality, age, poor egg quality, autoimmune and hormonal factors.

Did you ever have a history of sexually transmitted disease?

If you had a history of sexually transmitted disease or have been treated in the past, you may have increased risk of infertility as it may lead to damaged fallopian tubes.

Do you have a history of ovarian surgery or endometriosis?

Previous ovarian surgery or endometriosis may lead to a decrease in ovarian reserve (egg count) and contribute significantly to infertility.

Where you ever diagnosed with ovarian cysts or polycystic ovarian syndrome?

Women with the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome may experience lack of ovulation and infertility.

Do you suspect the problem could be your partner?

Male factors can cause about 40% and men who are taking testosterone supplements may be at increased risk.

Don’t Lose Hope, Take the Next Step


Scientific Research

Luteinizing hormone–independent rise of progesterone as the physiological trigger of the ovulatory gonadotropins surge in the human

Fertility and Sterility
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Recipient outcomes in an oocyte donation programme: should very young donors be excluded?

RBMO Oocyte Donation Programme
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