Ovulation Calculator

Complete Our Form To Access Our Ovulation Calculator!


Complete Our Form
to Access Our Ovulation Calculator!

Calculate ovulation

First day of your last period

Length of your cycle

Ready to start your family and wondering if you are ovulating? Advanced Fertility Center of Texas (AFCT) Ovulation Calculator provides you the dates of possible ovulation and optimal fertility.

It is best to have intercourse every other day around the first sign of ovulation.

Fill out our Ovulation Form to be redirected to our Ovulation Calculator and to receive a complimentary AFCT Gift Certificate to your email.  

*By completing the ovulation form, you give Advanced Fertility Center of Texas (AFCT) your consent to send you promotions and notifications pertaining to AFCT to your email address.

Dr. Michael Allon

Dr. Dmitri Dozortsev

Beata Tralik, PhD

Don’t Lose Hope, Take the Next Step